Mowę zależną stosujemy, kiedy przekazujemy czyjąś wypowiedź pośrednio, nie cytując jej wprost.
W mowie zależnej występuje następstwo czasów, czyli cofamy się o czas do tyłu w stosunku do czasu użytego w mowie niezależnej.
Zmianie ulegają również określenia czasu w stosunku do zdania w mowie niezależnej:
- now -» then
- ago -» before
- next -» the following, the next
- today -» that day
- tonight -» that night
- tomorrow -» the next day, the following day
- this week -» that week
- next month -» the month after, the following month
- yesterday -» the day before, the previous day
- three days ago -» three days before
- last week -» the week before, the previous week
Poza tym zmieniają się zaimki wskazujące:
- this -» that
- these -» those
- here -» there
i odpowiednie zaimki osobowe.
Przykłady następstwa czasów
Present Simple -» Past Simple
Ann said: „I wake up at 7 o’clock everyday”. Ann said (that) she woke up at 7 o’clock everyday.
Present Continuous -» Past Continuous
My uncle said: „My wife is preparing breakfast at this moment”. My uncle said his wife was preparing breakfast at that moment.
Past Simple -» Past Perfect
He said: „We were in the cinema yesterday”. He said they had been in the cinema the day before.
Past Continuous -» Past Perfect Continuous
Mark said: „I was watching TV last evening”. Mark said he had been watching TV the previous evening.
Future Simple -» Future Simple in the Past
Our Dad said: „I will buy this vacuum for us”. Our Dad said he would buy that vacuum for us.
Future Continuous -» Future Continuous in the Past
He said: „I will be working in the afternoon”. He said he would be working in the afternoon.
Present Perfect -» Past Perfect
She said: „I have won 1000 PLN”. She said she had won 1000 PLN.
Present Perfect Continuous-» Past Perfect Continuous
I said: „I have been learning here for three years.” I said I had been learning there for three years.
I okres warunkowy -» II okres warunkowy
He said: „I will go to the beach if it is hot today again”. He said (that) he would go to the beach if it was hot that day again.
Następstwa czasów nie ma:
- w przypadku czasów zaprzeszłych
- Past Perfect
My daughter said: „I had done my homework two hours earlier”. My daughter said she had done her homework two hours earlier. - Past Perfect Continuous
He said: „I had been digging in the garden then”. He said he had been digging in the garden then.
- Past Perfect
- kiedy relacjonujemy coś, co ktoś mówi w danej chwili;
- w 0, II i III okresie warunkowym.
Czasowniki modalne
Część czasowników modalnych ulega zmianie w zdaniach w mowie zależnej, a część pozostawiamy niezmienioną:
- will -» would
- would -» would
- can -» could
- could -» could
- shall -» should
- should -» should
- may -» might
- might -» might
- I said to John: „You can help me with cleaning my car”. I said to John he could help me with cleaning my car.
- My Mum said: „Ann should study more to pass her exam”. My Mum said Ann should study more to pass her exam.
W mowie zależnej przyjmują one postać zdania oznajmującego, natomiast zasada następstwa czasów pozostaje zachowana. W przypadku pytań ogólnych stosujemy słówko „if” lub „whether”, zaś w pytaniach szczegółowych pozostawiamy zaimek pytający bez zmian.
- Carol asked me: „Do you like pop music?” Carol asked me if I liked pop music.
- I asked my mother: „What did you buy for supper today?” I asked my mother what she had bought for supper that day.
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